Monday, July 25, 2016


Welcome to Summer Session 2!  We have no new children joining us for this session, but we are welcoming Janet back to help teach the toddlers this session. Today we really wanted to make sure everyone was comfortably settled in to Summer Session 2. Today the toddler class:
  • had an extra long, extra busy gym time (hanging, crawling, running, climbing, sliding, throwing balls, kicking balls, etc.)
  • enjoyed watching the colored lights in the gym
  • made marks on paper with crayons
  • sang our favorite songs together while playing instruments
  • read new books together 
  • explored paper and pom-poms(two materials that most of the children are familiar with at this point) by collecting them, filling and dumping them from containers, throwing and catching them, and standing on them- all of which helps strengthen fine motor and sensory skills


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